Around us, a bit of a gardening problem. And the light of a conversation by satellite phone.


                                                                             Rani, this is Guy. Got your letter. 

Yay. Verdict?

                                                                            Two yes, one nay. Prof is mad at you

              And I’m mad at them.
                                 Have they measured my DNA yet?

                                                                              Hang on I’ll check.

                                                                              Ok so they said something about
                                                                               How your telomeres are a lot more
                                                                              Frayed than normal?

                                      Ah, shit. So much for a long lifespan.
                                          So much for YOU having a long lifespan.
                    Well, gotta go fast then.
                                         Ruth and I are good at that these days.




                                                                               Prof wants you to go back to
                                                                            The valley where you dropped stuff



                                                                              Let’s just say

                                                                             There wasn’t any kudzu there

                                                                             BEFORE you dropped the gear

                                 Uh, yeah. We fucking noticed.
                     We’re there right now
                                         Trying to clean up Prof’s mess and




                                                                           It’s just kudzu, right? You can clear it
                                                                           If you put in a lot of work

                                  NO IT’S NOT “JUST” KUDZU


                           THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR
                      THROWING IN WITH A
            MAD SCIENTIST


                                                                           Oh jeez.
                                                                          Uh, can Rook do that thing again?

                    They’ve been trying

No luck.

                                           I tell you, if I was more of a whiz kid
                                    Than an uncreative technician, I’d
                                  Be going back to the Morrow lab
                                               And taking over that place. Kudzu? Really

          Fucking KUDZU? 

                     Kudzu is crossing a line.

                                           Chompy Kudzu is crossing a line twice.


                                                                            Well it is kinda messed-up
                                                                            But also kinda funny

                                           Okay you Mad Genius, tell you what
                           You want this stuff gone?
                         Tell Prof to come here and
                              fix their own damn problem.


                                                                          They’re busy trying to solve the DNA issue.

                                   Then YOU come here and solve it.


                                                                          I’m helping the Professor.

                      Well it’s not like Ruth and
          I can do anything!
                                   Fuck it, send Ayaan! She needs the


                                                                  You want me to send her against that stuff.


                                 Have her recruit some minions. IDK.
                                   All I know is, Ruth and I can’t help here.


                                                                Sure, maybe Ayaan can honk it to death.

                    What, she turned into a goose?


                                                                 Trumpeter swan. I envy her.
                                                                I look like a pigeon these days.

                           Well both of those are suitable, eh?
                            Trumpeter swans are good singers,
                                They’re big, and they’re really protective

                               Meanwhile YOU are also relatively big,
               Strong, clever, and nervous

                     These suits of ours are suitable.
Very well-tailored.

            Is that it? Is that the key?

I just don’t know.


                                                                     Prof and I have been looking at that
                                                                     At the DNA – there’s something going on
                                                                     With it. It’s…sparkly. 

             What, is it made of glitter?

                        Ruth’s calling me. GTG. Good luck.

I put the phone in my pocket, and backed away from a big green mouth-pod that was moving towards me. The circle Rook had cleared with the last of their lightning breath was big enough that the feeder stalks couldn’t extend all the way toward us, but I wasn’t going to chance it. And the circle was getting smaller all the time as the mass of green vines visibly grew toward us, inch by inch.

Rani,” said Ruth, “I’ve looked all over this clearing, but the gear isn’t here.”

Damn,” I said, and scuffed the ground with my toes. “How are we going to navigate without the GPS?”

I don’t know, how did we manage to remember the approximate location of the gear when this entire end of the valley is filled with giant green vines?”

That’s not – Look out!” I dove towards Ruth and tackled her out of the way as a huge mouth-pod snapped down where she had been standing. 

In the next moment, the mouth-pod was on the ground, snapped off by Rook’s beak. But it still gnashed its teeth and was already growing new tendrils by the time Rook stomped it flat. “We have to get out of here,  said Rook. “But I am very tired from doing this. I am not sure how well I can fly carrying two of you. Or even one of you.”

I spread my wings to their full extent. “You carry Ruth, I can take care of myself. Go.” I flapped into the air, hoping that Rook was close behind.

But when I stopped and circled, I saw that Rook was still down there, still waiting to take off. And Ruth…was not actually visible, within the giant circle of dust she kicked up as she ran around the edge of the clearing. What was she doing? Giving Rook time to rest, or something? If She even made one mistake right then she was going to be prey to dozens of mouth-pods.

Just as I was about to dive down there and try to fight off more stalks, Rook spread their wings and – slowly rose into the air from the force of the wind that was spinning around them. They flapped upwards, higher and higher, getting close to my position.

And still Ruth ran.

What the heck is she doing!” I screeched.

Trying something,” said Rook. “She said she would…fly in her own way.”

What does that even mean!”

The answer came in the next second. There was a new dust cloud in a line straight across the circle, and in the air above the kudzu, there was a giant roadrunner, its wings spread wide, gliding at great speed toward the mountain.

But slowing, now, and drifting downward, towards the teeth of the mouth-pods. 

You find a mountaintop,” I said, “I’ll handle Ruth.” I tucked my wings in for a dive and sped forward, hoping that Ruth would be able to stay aloft for long enough. She was pretty far from me and she hadn’t managed to get that much air, and as much as she flapped her wings, they weren’t going to help her as much as mine did. So by the time I managed to reach her I would be getting way too close to those mouth-pods. This might hurt.

Or it might not. The mouth-pods only got a few of my leg feathers when I swooped under Ruth, and then I was beating my wings furiously to lift her away from writhing green doom. 

Aren’t you gallant,” said Ruth.

And aren’t you clever,” I said, “though you’ll need to work on your technique with that trick. Especially since Artemis is going to be extremely angry and we might, shall we say, need to keep a move on.”

With some effort, I carried Ruth up to the treeline, far beyond the current boundary of the Killer Kudzu. We alighted and stood there in the moonlight for a while, catching our breath and looking down upon the ecological disaster far below. From one side of the valley to the other, and halfway to the horizon, there was nothing but kudzu – if we could call it that, given its rather energetic nature. There was something as much animal as plant about this stuff.

Pretty sure I saw something like this in a cartoon once,” said Ruth.

But it isn’t funny now,” I said. “It’s got me wondering why Artemis or Zeus haven’t gone after us yet.”

At that moment, I heard a low, distant rumble, and saw a little flash of light from dark clouds on the southern horizon. 

Time to head out,” said Ruth. “Can you go find –” 

But her words were interrupted by a great blast of wind, as Rook flapped their wings to touch down nearly on top of us. “Mama, Rani, time to get going.”

You were very tired before,” said Ruth.

And now I am very scared. But I will get us up high and then glide and it will be fine.”

High?” I said. “Rook, we’re going to run into radar that way. They’re going to think you’re an enemy bomber or something.”

I am very scared,” said Rook. “I want to move as fast as I can. I think humans are too busy with things happening out on the plains to care about me. But if they do, then you two will have to go on without me, because you can both go much faster.”

Ruth hugged Rook’s leg. “My sweet child! To say that you would sacrifice yourself for your parent! What an awful thing. We will have to come up with something else.”

Something on the way,” I said. “Rook is right. We must move.”

And so we took off into the night, high up into the starry sky, desperate to keep ahead of the storm. 

As we rose, I looked back at the mountain, and saw a tall woman standing there, clad in furs, holding an unstrung bow. Her eyes were fixed upon the valley below – yet when she spotted us, her bow was strung in an instant, and in the next instant, there was a streak of silver light and something whizzing over my head

Ruth screeched in fury, and would have leapt right off Rook if I hadn't grabbed her. Then in a thunder of mighty wings, we were high in the sky, faster than Rook had ever risen before.

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