If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: Chord

1 My Fine Feathered Friends, Chapter 1: In Which I Realize I am In Over My Head (fiction) Chord writeup
2 My Fine Feathered Friends, chapter 2: In Which I Refuse to Bow (fiction) Chord writeup
3 My Fine Feathered Friends, chapter 3: In which I deal with a big bird (fiction) Chord writeup
4 My Fine Feathered Friends, chapter 5: In Which Ruth Makes a Mistake (fiction) Chord writeup
5 My Fine Feathered Friends, chapter 6: In Which I meet the Sun Son (fiction) Chord writeup
6 My Fine Feathered Friends, Chapter 7: It is a Good Day to Fly (fiction) Chord writeup
7 My Fine Feathered Friends, chapter 8: In Which We Meet an Odd Little Bird (fiction) Chord writeup
8 My Fine Feathered Friends, Chapter 9: In Which We Meet a Wise Old Bird (fiction) Chord writeup
9 My Fine Feathered Friends, Chapter 10: In Which We Mail a Letter (fiction) Chord writeup
10 My Fine Feathered Friends, Chapter 11: In Which We Have a Bit of Gardening Trouble (fiction) Chord writeup