user since
Mon Apr 12 1999 at 23:00:44 (25.3 years ago )
last seen
Mon May 28 2001 at 20:36:05 (23.2 years ago )
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3 - View zTox's writeups (feed)
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zTox. It's short for Zed Toxic. A spelling checker did this to me earlier in my life, and well, the rest is just the restless nature of youth.

Hmmm... what to say about myself. I'm a big fan of William F. Buckley, Buckminster Fuller, Will.iam S. Burroughs, and Claude Shannon. Guess you could call them my idols, but I think of them more as honorary guests at an extended bookshelf tea party.

I'd like to have them all over for dinner sometime, but sadly, only Mr. Buckley is st.ill kickin' it, albeit slowly these days. Though I do have to wonder how they would fare in a seeded tournament of Incredibly Strange Wrestling against each other.

More about me? I'm trying to learn how to draw. My favorite programming lang.uage is scheme. My favorite color used to be green, but lately signal orange makes me happy.

I have lived in New Jersey, Boston, a 6.270 lab lounge, Dallas, Palo Alto, and now San Francisco.