A breakfast cereal, sometimes adored, oft reviled.

"Imagine, if you will, for a moment, the particle board that they use to make cheap home entertainment centers. Imagine it soaking in milk for 2 weeks"

I still miss Weetabix. As a treat in the winter there'd be hot milk, spoonsful of sugar and a happy little wetperch at the receiving end. In the box they do resemble crusty brown urinal cakes, being made of whole wheat formed into biscuity rounded oblong cakes. The texture is not unlike shredded cardboard, but add milk and sugar and let it all meld for a moment, and to me it's a great delight.

What I didn't know was that the British thing I know is a version of an Australian original, Weet-bix. I shall refrain from jokes about how all Australian food is prison, convict food, because this, unlike the upstart Marmite parody that is Vegemite, is quite excellent in my opinion. It differs from Shredded Wheat in that it's denser compressed flakes of wheat rather than a fluffy pillowy texture.

The saddest thing is that now, living in the USA, I am doomed to be denied this little treat; it does not appear to be available in any of the supermarkets around me. Yes, despite aisle on aisle of other sugary, nasty breafast treats, this healthy and nutritious thing does not appear anywhere. Even my occasional saviour World Market, appears to have let me down on this one.

For BQ24

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