How does anthropomorphosis differ from anthropomorphizing?


Anthropomorphosis refers to the transformation or metamorphosis into a human form. It describes a process where something non-human actually changes or is changed into a human-like state or appearance. This concept is often found in mythology, literature, and art where non-human entities physically transform into human-like beings.


Anthropomorphizing, on the other hand, is the act of attributing human characteristics, behaviors, or emotions to non-human things or animals. This does not involve an actual physical transformation, but rather a mental projection of human traits onto something that is not human. Some aspects of anthropomorphizing include:

Some Key Differences

  1. Nature of change: Anthropomorphosis involves an actual transformation, while anthropomorphizing is a mental attribution.

  2. Permanence: Anthropomorphosis suggests a more permanent change, whereas anthropomorphizing can be temporary or situational.

  3. Application: Anthropomorphosis is more commonly used in fictional or mythological contexts, while anthropomorphizing occurs in both real-life as well as fictional situations.

  4. Scope: Anthropomorphizing is a broader concept that includes attributing any human characteristic, while anthropomorphosis more narrowly refers to taking on a human form.

In short (and in essence), anthropomorphosis is about becoming human-like in form, while anthropomorphizing is about perceiving or describing something as having human qualities (for example, motives and desires) without an actual physical change. So, although not synonymous, neither are the concepts mutually exclusive.

Was once told by a GM:
"Stop anthropomorphizing my aliens!"