I love sports, especially American football, and I get very emotional. But why? Is there any reason that I should get excited or depressed based on the outcome of a game that I have no control over, nothing riding on, and basically nothing to do with. I live in Buffalo and am therefore a rabid Bills fan. I just finished watching the New York Jets maul the Bills. Why am I so damn upset? Why was I so excited last week when they won? I know I shouldn't. I know that win or lose, nothing really important is going to happen. I shouldn't feel this bad. What does it say about our society (and many others for that matter) that the emotions of an entire city ride on a contest that essentially means nothing to the survival or well-being of the people watching. If this many people got this excited over politics for example, then maybe something would really get done in this country. My hands are shaking for God's sake! Why do I feel like I just ran a marathon or something. What's scary is that I know that many people are far worse than I am. Even after the heartbreaker in Tennessee last season, I shook off the bad feeling in a few days, but some people go for weeks, if not longer. But hey, why am I ranting. I know that next week when the Bills take the field, I'll still be excited, and very emotionally worked up. At least I'm better about moving on. The SuperBowls were rough....