CRC (Cote de Rendement au Collégial) (Collegial Output Score)

An important number for Quebec CEGEP students need to watch if they intend to get a university level degree. The American equivalent is the GPA score, only the CRC number is somewhat larger. The theoretical rage is from 0 to 50, but in reality find themselves between 25 and 35 (see below). McGill University won't even consider your application if your CRC is below 25.5, such is the same for the other universities in the Provence.

The formula to calculate the CRC score is insanely complex. It takes into account variables like the class average, class units, z-score, group strength and previous high school grades. This node is only intended as an overview. You cannot calculate your own CRC, because many intermediate values are not made available to the individual student.

between 32 and 35 (85% - 90%) grade much higher than average
between 29.5 and 31.9 (80% - 85%) grades higher than average
between 26 and 29.4 (75% - 80%) grades slightly over average
between 20 and 25.9 (65% - 75%) grade within average

CRC = (CRC-class * units-class) / å units-class

  units-class number of units for one class
  å units-class total units for every class in one semester
  CRC-class represents the CRC for one class

CRC-class = (Z + IFG + C) * D

  Z is the z-score for the class
  IFG Indicateur de la Force du Groupe (class strength)
  C and D are constants of 5

Z-score = (X - X-bar) / SD

  X is your grade for the current class
  X-bar is the average of the class grades
  SD standard deviation

X-bar = (SUM Xi) / N

  Xi represents the total of all grades; N, is the number of grades.

SD = SQRT(SUM(Xi - X-bar)2)/N

  (Xi-X-bar) represents the difference between one grade and the class average

Msg = ( Msi = 1 + Msi = 2 + Msi = 3 + ? + Msi = n) / Number of Students
IFG = ( Msg - 75 ) /  14

  Msg is high school average