So, my roommate is actually home.

Let me explain. Same old story, newish twist, I guess. She was my best friend when we moved in together eight months ago. She's always been man-crazy (to each her own, I guess ...), kind of defining her value by the men in her life.

However, it's never been as bad as it is now. Her current boyfriend (it's been a long, rocky, complicated relationship) is her obsession. Technically, she lives with me, but realistically, I see her every three weeks or so, when she feels a little guilty about never calling or being home or when he's doing something that either she can't do (ie: go to the bars - she's 20) or she doesn't want to do (watch football). Then, I'm good enough for her.

He's out of town for two weeks for work, so she's going to be around for exactly two weeks. Not really surprising or even unusual.

The two things that get to me is that, 1) she expects to be constantly entertained, especially when I'm busy doing work or homework and that 2) she has spent the entire time bitching about missing him.

So, one can't help but wonder ... what am I, chopped liver?