The Polar Bear game solution

It is winter in the arctic. An Inuk comes across the frozen sea and makes holes in the ice to fish through. After a few hours of fishing he decides that he has caught enough fish and departs. Slowly the polar bears emerge, wary of each other they circle the abandoned fishing holes to explore the potential for a meal.

At this point you throw the dice so that all can see them.

Next ask this question:

How many bears are gathered around how many holes?

 _____           |•   •|
|•   •|          |•   •|
|  •  |   _____  |•   •|         _____
|•   •|  |•    |  _____         |    •|
 _____   |  •  |                |     |
         |    •|         _____  |•    |
          _____         |     |  _____
                        |  •  |
                        |     |

Of course you did use white dice didn't you?

You are looking for bears around holes right? the answer is 6 bears around 2 holes.

How did I arrive at this? The holes are the dots surrounded by other dots (bears).

The dice that we get this from are: the five, clearly a hole with four circling bears (which establishes that the holes are centered on the dice), the 3 is then also a hole with two bears. The 6 is a group of bears on ice without a hole. the 1 is a hole without bears and the 2 is a couple of bears searching unsuccessfully for a hole.