Okay, this node was empty and I know all the answers, so--

1. If he/she has a big poster in his office that says "ENFAMIL: For the Life of Your Child!"

2. If he/she gives you large amounts of narcotic prescriptions for no real reason.

3. If, when you try to breastfeed in his/her office, they ask you to "Take it to the restroom."

4. If, when you DO take it to the restroom, he/she follows you with a blanket.

5. If you insist on breastfeeding in his/her office, they put the blanket over their head.

Par example:

I went to my regular physician when my son was two months old. I was suffering with a breast infection, and could not seem to work it out. (Just for reference, the common practice now is to breastfeed through an infection, rather than stop breastfeeding and pump until it is over.)

The doctor was very unsympathetic to the fact that I was trying to continue lactation, and wanted me to take an antibiotic that was unsafe for my child and secreted through breastmilk. When I adamantly refused, he became belligerent, and told me that he was the doctor, and that I should listen to him regardless of my views, as I had not attended medical school.

He then went on to inform me that since my son was already two months old, he had already received any benefit he was going to from being breastfed, and it didn't really matter.

I took the prescription that he had written down for me, picked up my child, and left his office in tears. I went immediately home, and began a process of grieving that I cannot really explain. I was racked by sobs, and could barely think. I called my husband, (who is wonderful, btw!) and explained what had happened in mostly fragmented sentences, amidst a lot of caterwauling.

It was then that he said the most AMAZING thing: "Well, goofball, call another doctor." You would have thought that he had just suggested that I jump to the moon. Another doctor? What a great idea!

I called my OB and explained the situation to him. He called in another prescription for me, and even called my regular doctor, explained the new practices to him, and berated him for upsetting me so.

The truth of the matter is, no matter how sympathetic the medical community claims to be to the process of breastfeeding, there are always the few doctors who are old school, and do not want to be told that times are changing.

Breastfeeding is a very emotional issue for most women, whether they choose to do it or not. That, in itself, is an emotional issue. I believe that no matter what your decision is, once you make it, you should find a doctor who is supportive of that decision. And if your Health Care Professional isn't, then find another one! There are thousands of doctors in any given state to choose from.

So, if you health care professional isn't all he/she is cracked up to be, then ditch them for someone with whom you can share the entire experience with, without fear of retribution or recriminations. It's worth the effort!