I think part of the reason people are confused with this is that they didn't read the problem closely:

I give you the first envelope (with $100); you may either keep it or switch.

You know you have $100, which means you can think objectively about the game. The way I think of the game is in terms of a gambling game - tossing a coin. The rules (taken from the original problem) are simple:

1: You must always bet half, and only half of your money.
2: Heads you win 2:1 (ie $50 wins you an extra $100)
3: Tails you lose

Looking at it like this, we can see two things:
1: You will never lose all your money - you could end up with a minute fraction of a cent, but you can still play with half of it.
2: The game favours the player - the odds are 50/50, yet the game is paying 2:1. 50/50 odds normally (in a casino) pay 1:1 (except nothing in a casino is actually 50/50).

If you were lucky enough to be playing this game, the strategy is simple:
1: If you have less than $100 you should play. The $100 was given to you, so you have nothing to loose.
2: Only ever quit when you are ahead.

Rule 2 is the catch - since the odds are 50/50, playing an infinite number of games should leave you with $100 (roughly 50% wins and 50% losses). You have to decide when you feel you have enough money.

The game is a free ride. You only need to win 4 times in a row (from $100) to leave the game with $1200 dollars.