Ysabella Brave (aka Mary Anne) is a cheery 27-year-old (as of January, 2007) blonde female singer from California. Enjoying modest popularity on YouTube, she exploded onto the scene when her YouTube channel was listed on Digg.com in late January, 2007. As of February 2 she has more than 12,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel and more than 340,000 views.

Her videos are minimalistic affairs, featuring her alone in her apartment with an all-black background, singing over karaoke CDs. She covers a variety of songs, mostly evergreens of various decades, but mainly from the 30s and 40s, like Peel me a grape.

She is the newest indicator of the phenomenon of consumers looking for authenticity in a media culture soaked with artificiality, and charms with a mixture of naivety and consciousness of the music clip tradition, and an untrained, but catchy voice.