I was hoping to have a few cool writeups posted by this daylog. I've got one in the works and a couple of really cool things in my head, but I am just too tired and scatterbrained to get to writing them.


Me being a Linux a tin foil hatter

It's been a long time coming, I finally stopped using Windows. For good, I am telling myself. It was however many years ago that I had to switch to windows for my university class, I can't even remember. Intro to Databases was entirely Microsoft Access, and that was last year. What that means is that this will potentially bite me in the ass -- however, I have a trusty laptop with Windows on it. It has 8 gigs of RAM and a shitty processor, but it can run Office if they need me to use it.

But yeah, now I'm running Zorin Linux I've had various Linux distros over the years -- for a year or two when I was an early teenager it was Ubuntu that I had put on my heavily-hacked Acer Chromebook (ultimately, all the firmware modifications bricked the device, but it was fun while it lasted.) Then, for four years it was Linux Mint, which I was never 100% happy with but I still preferred it to Wndows. For the past few years I've been running Windows 10, and then 11 as of a few months ago. However, I absolutely despise how opposed to the concept of personal privacy Microsoft is. They datamine everything. So does Google. I have no doubt that my cell phone listens to me speak. I am sure they don't collect stuff that could steal my identity -- they probably just log keyword. Still, though. So, I switched back to Linux finally. I've been wanting to switch back for ages upon ages. I don't really know what pushed me. Something did.

I reviewed Snapchat's privacy settings, apparently they "record and store data about \my\ face and voice". Which means that it is very possible that they recorded every time I opened Snapchat and made stupid faces into the camera. It makes me feel kind of sick, honestly. So I uninstalled Snapchat.


Webserver shit

At long last, I FINALLY got the webserver running. I don't have the port opened up, I haven't given it the static IP yet, and I haven't set up a dynamic DNS. But I got all my pages loaded onto it. It only took me a few years, but I finally did it. In a perfect world, I would be writing my own HTML and just do away with Wordpress completely. This is not a perfect world, and I don't have the time to design my own website at the moment.

To me, the best websites are ones that are very bare-bones. Not much going on, nothing standing out. Which is why I like this, and also this -- both of these are my idea of a "perfect" website. Particularly the second one.

This semester I am am taking a web design class. I am hoping that it will allow me to develop the skills necessary to put together my own html with ease (instead of going to w3schools three times a minute to look stuff up, and blindly experimenting.) I did design a Bootstrap site once, but that was with a tutorial, so that doesn't count.


Pokemon stuff

My entire pokemon collection is on ebay right now, and within 20 minutes I got an offer for $500. Pretty neat. I'll leave it up for a few days and see if anyone bites, and then I'll send an offer to all the watchers. Strategy. It's got 25+ ultra rares (gx/ex/vmax/rainbow/etc) and 100+ holographics, two graded cards, 1600 cards in total.

It's kind of surreal holding 25 cards in my hand and knowing I'm holding $200 worth of cards. It's more surreal holding $200, though.

All the money will get gobbled up by my classes anyway; no matter what I do I will never have enough money for the stupid chessmaster computer, the one that I lust for with great longing in my heart.


Writing again

I started writing again. I never officially "stopped", I just haven't had the presence of mind to do so. I have yet to resubmit my silly short story anywhere, but Radial Drift is coming along. I don't call it a "novel" anymore because honestly I have no idea if it's going to end up being 25,000 words or 100,000 words, I'm just writing scenes until I feel like it's finished. Also, calling it a novel before I'm even a published author is kind of... presumptious, I guess. It feels weird.

Scrivener doesn't work on Zorin OS, so I am now using a plain text editor called JDarkroom. I am writing with intent to publish... in plain text. I remember reading somewhere that the great GRRM uses Wordstar on an old DOS machine, so I made him the icon for my text processor, because Jdarkroom seems comparably archaic.


The podcast

I have an episode to edit. We recorded at the beginning of the month; I lost the file when my computer metamorphed so now I have to redo it. So fucking annoying. It's not going to be as fun as the last epsode either, but there's an "update" about Ceres that I thought was super cool.



Theoretically I will node some conlangs in the near future, and esolangs too, but I'm so lazy and scatterbrained right now. I would also like to work on my own conlang, Yskarr, but I have not been doing so for the same reasons. I just wish I had energy.