2024-03-22: This has bugged me for years... actually, for decades. When you visit the home node of a user who has at some point posted at least one writeup, you will see their "most recent writeup" listed. Problem is, if they delete all their writeups, or have all their writeups reparented to another account, and no longer have any writeups, there will still be a working link shown to the writeup that was, by some last calculation, their last. For fled noders who Asamoth, this will often lead an Editor to that draft document, but for a non-elevated account it will frequently be a dead link.

Fixing this seems trivial to my non-edev eyes. There is already a check being run when you load someone's home node to see if they have any writeups, because if they don't then the "number of write-ups" section is not displayed. Couldn't we easily add some code to that check so that it also prevents the display of "most recent writeup"? Seems like it would be easier to accomplish than coming up with some code that blanks the value in this field when there are no writeups left. I just think it's annoying to see that link when I know that it leads nowhere, or possibly to the writeup under a different account.

I'm gonna get into the weeds a little more on this. Having reparented a shit-ton of writeups over the years, I've noticed that the "most recent writeup" for an account will, under certain circumstances, get "stuck" on a writeup that is not actually their last. It was just the last one in whatever the first list of reparented writeups was the account received. From that point, removing or adding writeups via reparenting will not change the value in "most recent writeup" no matter what you do. The only thing that seems capable of changing the value is for the user to actually add another writeup themselves. I know as a god I can manually go into the user data and fix this field value, but I don't have those powers currently and it's driving me bloody crazy.

Secondly, I want to second wertperch and bitch about the ugliness of Registry information on home nodes. Though I have contributed my data to several Registries, I have never displayed them on my home node because the tables have way too much cell padding. Surely it can't be that hard to make these a little more subtle and unobtrusive.

Thirdly, when I'm looking at someone's draft document, there is no indication on the page itself whose draft it is. Yes, sometimes you can determine this based on the URL, depending upon how you access the draft. But sometimes you can't. As an Editor, I will frequently search for something and wind up on a draft document, and it will be a fucking mystery whose draft it is! Is there some trick to figuring this out that I haven't deduced? Wouldn't adding the author's username to the page make sense? Or even better, a link to go to that user's list of drafts?