This is Aristotle's philosophy on God. It's actually really easy to explain, and since I am in Philosophy class at the moment, I will take the time to write down my notes on it.

In class, we came up with some qualities for Aristotle's Unmoved Mover:

  • same as the Judeo-Christian God, but not personified.
  • Abstract
  • All of creation relies on the Unmoved Mover; but unlike the Judeo-Christian God, the Unmoved Mover relies on all of creation as well.
  • The Unmoved Mover has no personality, no gender, no emotions. Therefore it cannot help you in your personal problems.
  • It is also the source of all activity in the Universe. The Unmoved mover is a force like gravity in the cosmos; everything is the way it is because It compels everything to be that way. Frankly, it is because IT is.

Aristitilian philosophy is easy to understand and is obviously influenced by Plato, even if the two didn't agree. Plato's Allegory of the Cave was contradicted by Aristotle's philosophies for most of Aristotle's life.

In conclusion, according to Aristotle the best form in life is happiness. He argued that happiness is best achieved by living in accordance with our nature, by fulfilling what it means to be human. Since we are by nature multi-directional, true happiness is linked to the very best within us. Aristotle believed that contemplation fit that description almost perfectly. Of course, there are several reasons Aristotle thinks that contemplation is the truest form of human being. The first of his reasons is that contemplation is the most full expression of our humanity. We can also engage in reason continuously, even with life's other engagements. Thirdly, rational contemplation is self-sufficient; we only need ourselves to be able to think.