When I was a child in the 50s we lived just across the river from Blennerhassett Island on the West Virginia side. We had a small row boat and made regular forays over. Ancient walnut and pear trees still bore fruit. We would bring home bushel baskets of walnuts that would stain our hand green for weeks and green pears enough to make ourselves sick. Someone still planted "cow" corn there and wild horses ran about. Dad made a putting green on the acres of turnips. The house that is now restored was just a burnt out foundation.

It is wonderful that it has been restored. We had no idea of the history (Aaron Burr and crew) - at the time the island was just our private 3-mile playground.

Huge barges used to travel the Ohio River carrying who knows what. They may have been the precursors of the sternwheelers used to transport visitors to the island now. I think I remember paddle wheels on the barges.

It was a magical place.