I second that recommendation!

In another context I wrote a short summary of one of my favourite chapters, regarding the size of the universe. I feel it illustrates fairly well how Hawking makes the complex scientific theories readable - and enjoyable - to the general public;

The universe might very well be of finite size and mass, but, as Stephen Hawking explained in A Brief History of Time (an excellent book, I might add), that doesn't mean it has boundaries, i.e. a beginning and an end.

Hawking took away one dimension, and compared our universe with a balloon, and an ant living on it. While the ant can never reach the edge of the universe (there are none), it would be possible for the ant to go all the way around, ending up where it started.

However! If the balloon was growing at a certain speed, the ant would never be able to complete the trip around.

Therefore, if the expansion rate of the universe is sufficiently large, it would require faster than light travel to reach all the way around, which complicates things alot. (The Theory of Relativity prohibits it, but some "loopholes" have been discovered, e.g. the Alcubierre Warp Drive.)

So, for us, the inhabitants of this universe, it appears to be infinite.

As a side note: The balloon analogy is very useful for explaining wormholes and warp drives too; Imagine squeezing the balloon between two fingers until the opposite sides meet. Then the distance between the two points is zero. The trick is to find a way to bend the universe to fit our needs.