#include <assert.h>
assert.h is one of the required, standard (ISO9899 - ANSI C) headers and is used for debugging C programs. It provides the pseudo-function (actually a macro) void assert(int).

When called, if the argument evaluates to false (or 0) then the assertion has failed and the macro is invoked.

  • To STDERR:
    • Expression (the expression that failed)
    • __FILE__ (file name)
    • __LINE__ (line number)
  • Program aborts.
For example (this file is named assert.c):
#include <assert.h>

int main(void)
    assert(1 == 0);
After preprocessing (gcc -E assert.c):
int main(void)
   ((void) (( 1 == 0 ) ? 0 : (__assert_fail ("1 == 0", "assert.c", 5, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ), 0))) ;

Produces the output:
% ./assert
assert: assert.c:5: main: Assertion `1 == 0' failed.

While it is good form to use asserts during debugging and testing, it is considered a very bad thing for an end user to see an assert failure (even a segmentation fault is preferable to some debug code left in in many cases). In these cases, the use of 'NDEBUG' is recommended. Having this #define present will change assert's macro to be a simple void. This can be done on many C compliers by specifying -DNDEBUG on the command line.