They sailed on the good ship Popillol,

eating flibberty-gibberty pie;

no land in sight and just so we’re clear—

there was nothing else left—

no one eats flibberty-gibberty pie by choice,

it’s made out of eels and…well, never mind.

So they sailed along with the sun beating down

like a hot burning…well, like a sun;

there was Gregor and Vlad and all that they had,

like I said, was that stinkin’ pie.

Vlad and Gregor were brothers

and loved one another

but except for the pie,

neither had eaten in over a week

then two weeks went by and they looked at each other,

the sun was still burning…you know, like a sun;

the flibberty-gibberty pie was all gone,

which tells you a lot,

because in spite of its homespun, folksy name,

it’s made out of all sorts of dark slinky things.

Vlad and Gregor were beyond despair,

everything was going from dire to direrer,

worse to worsted.

Gregor turned to his brother Vlad…

or Vlad turned to Gregor…

hard to say, the sun and all,

but one of them there on the ship Popillol

saw land ahead

and said, Land!—

and it was, they were saved

and gosh oh golly, were they relieved,

and I bet you thought Vlad was going to eat Gregor,

or Gregor, there, was about to eat Vlad;

strange to say, might have been best if they had.

In spite of the fact they were brothers, you see,

they shared your suspicions,

that if push came to shove, they’d have eaten each other

and that lone, stark truth

burned…like a burning thing,

and nothing was ever the same after that.

Yes the name of the ship is "lollipop" backwards,

a cheap device, but there you have it,

and golly gee, I hear you say,

close as they were, it's a sad story, really.

Well have faith, take heart, things could change over time,

life's a merry-go-round...

'cept the guy who says when to get on and off

has a Vicodin habit and one glass eye.

But be of good cheer,

nothing's ever the same after something else,

and nothing is better than that stinkin' pie.