I sat back and thought a lot today. I realized my life sucks. Here’s a list of current events that lead to this conclusion:
  • I was placed as sixth chair instead of first. What a wonderful way to begin the weekend.
  • I received my French grade from Hope College in the mail. B-. Disgusting.
  • Also in the mail, I got a letter from the University of Michigan saying it will be another twelve weeks before I know whether or not they want me there. Great.
  • Got my A.P. Stats test back – another B-. Fantastic.
  • My grandma is going to be hospitalized for anxiety attacks and uncontrollable depression. She calls my house three times a day, in tears, asking for my mother.
  • One of my best friends is pissed at me and refuses to talk about it.
  • I’ll be able to think of more in a minute.

There’s not as much stuff to look forward to: Christmas, and I get to see Aaron this weekend for the first time in over a month. Somehow those two things seem to cancel out most of the things listed above. Of course I’m still worried about my grandma. And I’m not pleased about my grades, or my acceptance status for college. But I did get accepted to Ferris with a full ride, and to Michigan State with almost everything paid for. So at least I’ve got that to fall back on.

I need to get an oil change for my car, and I owe BMG some money. I have an anatomy test tomorrow, and I have to challenge my way up to first chair starting this week. My room needs to be cleaned, I’ve gotta do community service, have to go to work and school and some extra classes on top of that. Need to keep up with homework, have to finish reading that French novel, have to work things out with Nick. Have to apologize to a few people, need to call Aaron. Have to convince Adam to stop smoking before my parents find out where he gets his cigarettes. Christmas shopping season. I think I’m gaining weight. Maybe it’s just all the thoughts in my head.

Stress sucks.

Do I look fat? Lie to me and make it go away.

Tell me everything is going to be okay.

Someone please save me from the madness I created for myself.