user since
Tue Oct 12 1999 at 12:12:14 (24.8 years ago )
last seen
Sat Sep 2 2000 at 18:59:36 (23.9 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 89
mission drive within everything
Become Shaft (Can you dig it?)
Computers (duh)
Some crappy place. I go to it almost everyday and it sucks. I don't learn anything, why make me go there?
If you think you know what the hell is really going on you're probably full of shit. - - Robert Anton Wilson
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I like Linux. I like Perl. I like C. Web design
is ok. Robert Anton Wilson and
the Illuminati (or better yet, The *REAL* Illuminati)
greatly interest me. Odd number systems (Pi,
Kabballah) also greatly interest me. I take pride in my
eccentricity and the fact that probably none of the
on my user page have nodes.