As part of the node your homework effort, I present an algorithm to determine whether a graph is bi-partite or not.

In scheme.

One glance should make you realize why there's no such thing as an obfuscated scheme contest.

The algorithm does a depth first search of the graph, marking each vertex with a parity. If it encounters a back-edge to a vertex of the same parity as the vertex being examined, it knows the graph is not bi-partite.

To make things clearer:

  • The graph is defined as an adjacency list at the top of the code
  • The parity is 0 if the vertex is unvisited and either -1 or 1 depending on which side of the graph it's on
  • /msg me with any more clarifications you want here...

  • (define adjList
      '(3 4)
      '(3 4)
      '(0 1)
      '(0 1 2)

    (define parityList

    (define dfs
     (lambda (vertex parity)
      (define bp #t)
      (vector-set! parityList vertex parity)
        lambda (adjVertex)
          ((= (vector-ref parityList adjVertex) 0)
           (set! bp (and bp (dfs adjVertex (* parity -1))))
         ((= (vector-ref parityList adjVertex) (vector-ref
    parityList vertex))
           (set! bp #f)
       (vector-ref adjList vertex)

    (if (dfs 0 1)
     (display "Graph is Bi-Partite.\n")
     (display "Graph is not Bi-Partite.\n")