Creationism is the belief that all species of
animals and
plants were
created, not using the
natural processes some
Christians believe were the tools the Lord used, but by direct miracles. Only
Young Earth Creationists believe this was done in seven literal days in
4004 BC. This belief is based on a
Christian fundamentalist interpretation of the bible which uses complicated genealogical calculations figure out the exact date of the beginning of Genesis.
Scientific Creationism is the belief that Creationism can also be proven by using the tools and methods of science. Part of this belief is also that while the American requirement of separation of Church and State may forbid the teaching of religion in the classroom, Scientific Creationism is science and should be taught alongside evolution, which they sometimes say is a religion.
There are a number of educated people who believe this, including even a tiny number of biologists.
Non fundamentalists discussing this belief with Scientific Creationists often find the experience very frustrating. Sometimes they first explain Scientific Creationism produces the best explanation for certain geological, archeological, or historical evidence. If someone who has studied the relevant discipline tries to explain why they do not consider the evidence to be fully explained, the Scientific Creationists sometimes seem to contradict themselves or argue that someone could have created the world in seven literal days and then made it look like it was created over billions of years to test people's faith. While it is hard to imagine physical evidence to refute the latter, it abandons the original claim that scientific methods can be used in Scientific Creationism, which Creationist's wish to be considered science rather than religion.