Just some various things kicking around in my head right now...

Been under a fair ammount of stress lately. Several weeks ago my husband and I were presented with what was then going to be a turn-key business takeover. We now find that this is actually more of a bail-out for the current owners. Rough estimate is that we'd need to secure a loan for at least $50K. And we have yet to see their pro-forma statements, tax records or any actual financial data. Screw that! They can find another sucker. Why in hell should we pay off their debts and incur interest in doing so?

Anyway, we've been pondering another opportunity. My mother-in-law is getting remarried in a few months and will be moving out of state. She wants us to take her house. It's a nice place- 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, finished porch/workshop, utility room, new carpeting and appliances and a swimming pool. Perfect for a growing family. Best of all, it's in a pleasant residential neighborhood, but zoned commercial! Can you say "home-based business"? I knew you could! She needs our answer by Tuesday...

I've forgotten just how strange early pregnancy is... mood swings, food cravings and aversions, morning sickness... It's tough even trying to watch Iron Chef lately. Even old-fashioned vector graphic games make me want to hurl! Thank goodness this phase shouldn't last too long. But the intensity and frequency makes me wonder if I may be carrying more than one child. I hear that carrying twins or more can make first trimester symptoms more pronounced. Time will tell, huh? ;oD