The introductory writeup in this node is excellent, but I'd like to add a few exceptions to the rules expressed - not contradictions or supersessions, just some additional considerations.
1. Some instinctive shooters end up cultivating a very odd looking crouch, and do shoot more parallel than perpendicular to the target; they are almost universally ground stalking hunters. Because they do not shoot from blinds, they tend to keep a low profile so they can follow game on the ground and shoot without appearing to pop up out of the brush like a homicidal prairie dog. Women may need to keep their bodies more perfectly parallel or twist away from the bow hand slightly in order to keep their breasts out of the bowstring's way, or else wear a chest guard.
2. It doesn't really matter which hand you write with, if you're shooting instinctively. Choose a bow handedness that feels strong, grounded, and centered. You'll adapt regardless of eye dominance, because you're not really targeting anyway, you're learning to control all the variables and consistently produce centershots with your whole body, not just your eyeballs.
3. Right as rain. It's also a good idea to check your fletchings and shafts when filling your quiver - a cracked shaft can explode in the bow and hurt you badly, and a ripped fletching will sometimes make an arrow go wild.
4. One over and two under, two over and one under, two under, three under - they're all valid. Anecdata, many can't shoot well with one over and two under. At all. I get a funky release and like the old poem goes, I shoot an arrow in the air, it comes to earth I know not where. That or I shoot it right into the ground. Three under, I do fine. Experiment freely. In the end, what works for you is the right way. What doesn't work for you is the wrong way.
(There are some utterly wrong things to do: most importantly, never ever stabilize your arrow on the rest with the index finger of your bow hand. Ever. Because what's going to happen eventually is that your fletching is going to take that finger right off, or at least a mission-critical slice of the meat that operates it. So don't do that.)
5. Only adding that it is really, really important not to lock up the elbow of your bow arm. You will want to do this, but fight the urge. Locking it will make you feel strong. It will make you feel like you have all the time in the world, that you can hold it like that forever, you can take your time like Leatherstocking tracking a brushbound deer. Do not do this. Keep that arm rotated inthe shoulder socket so the elbow is on the outside and the inner arm is a smooth curve with the elbow ever so slightly relaxed in a bend away from the parallel of the string. It will feel awkward until it becomes totally natural. Reason the first: if your elbow is locked, it will be canted into the bowstring's line of fire, and you will take a mighty bow slap. Either to the delicate inner elbow, or to the inner arm. And it will hurt. It will feel like that part of your anatomy has been simultaneously stabbed and set on fire. Reason the second: the bowslap will make your arrow go all crazy and it will do you no good, and you might lose it. Reason the third: even if you don't get a bowslap because you're some kind of triple-jointed freak of nature, holding the shot for more than a second or two will lead to overthinking, and you'll probably miss. If you want to stand around holding your bow interminably and taking forever to set a shot, get a compound. It will reward you for doing so. A recurve will not.
6. Not everybody aims. Instinctive shooters don't really aim. Instinctive shooters are often counseled to eliminate the temptation to even try to aim by practicing in the dark, shooting at a piece of aluminum foil lit by a small flashlight. Given enough practice - throwing enough arrows downrange - you and the bow and the arrow will eventually meld very nicely, and once the bow and arrow become intuitively felt and understood extensions of your body, targeting isn't any more of an intellectual process than it is to just make eye contact with someone. There are ways to aim with a bare bow. Finger walking, face walking, gap shooting, lots. I don't know any of them.
7. I'm not really sure what's going on with this advice. Every archer I know ends up with their hand fanned to the side of their face after a shot, and continuing it on a backward trajectory is simply the controlled mechanism by which one intends to obtain another arrow, not a question of momentum or physics. There is a moment of perfection, a blink of stillness when the eye and the body and the arrow and the target all lock on to each other. Zing. Upper body movement at the moment of release is apt to cant the bow slightly.
The moment when everything clicks in, that moment of perfection... It feels deliciously long, but it probably isn't. But it's a very good moment. I think it's the reason why people come to love archery.
When it all comes together, the chemistry is amazing. It's a love affair with physics.