When I meet someone who does not
skitter across an empty
street when crossing against a
red light, I feel an instant
bond with them. They know the road and the way it works and the way they should work with it. They know when they can act and when they shouldn't. When they can cross and when they can't.
Not everyone is an
effective jaywalker and those
lacking the skill are sometimes a
threat to the safety of drivers on the
road as well as their own. By not
exercising caution, they are less aware of what is going on around them which reduces the amount of care in the
execution of a good jaywalk.
So you don't get hurt, I've compiled a list of pointers:
- Nobody wants to hit you- They don't need the hassle or mark on their driving record, so unless they're not paying attention to the road (see below) they should see you.
- Be Aware of Cell Phone Drivers- I don't think this needs much explanation.
- Pay Attention- If anything does hit you, it'll hurt and you won't get to wherever you're going. Be aware of the flow of everything around you.
- Watch The Lights- Like when you're driving, be aware of the traffic lights around you. They'll indicate where traffic is coming from and can help you when in blind spots. They'll also show you when you can cross safely and not.
- Stand on the Yellow Line- If you cross a busy street, do it one direction at a time. Stand on the yellow line and wait for until its safe to cross.
Jaywalking is illegal and depending on your area, you may or may not be ticketed by the
police if caught. The above
pointers should be exercised with caution and used
rationally according to your situation. I will not be held responsible for your
death or
injury if you are plowed over by a
bike courier.
Happy Jaywalking!