One of the only times you'll see me capitalize the word 'God'.

If I believed that there was a higher power watching over the world, guiding it, giving it purpose and meaning...

If I believed in a supreme being who created this world, shaped it, formed it...

If I believed in a God that was all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present...

A God who loved me, even in my saddest moments...

A God who cared about me and my life...

A God who answered my prayers...

Brother, it wouldn't be pretty.

God isn't going to church every Sunday and being nice to people. God isn't bingo and potlucks.

God is something... more than that.

If I believed in God...

It would be a fire in my belly, a locomotive force that I could not possibly hold back. It would fill my life to overflowing. It would drive me to scream out that perfect knowledge of my God.

You ever wonder where Crusades and Inquisitions come from? True belief, that's what. If I really, truly believed that there was a benevolent, powerful higher being out there, and saw this person in front of me who said I was wrong, if I met a heathen, an atheist, I couldn't stand it.

Such a person would be an abomination to my God, a blight to be cleared from this world.

Ever wonder where the phrase 'Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!' comes from? True and absolute belief.

A fire in your belly. A conviction that you have the mandate of God in your beliefs and in your action. I couldn't 'live and let live'. Not with that knowledge. I couldn't be tolerant or understanding. They're _wrong_. Why should I tolerate that?

What is a zealot? Just someone who believes. Belief can be kinda scary.

If I believed in God, you would all be scared. You would see that 'old time religion' come back big. Sweep down out of the hills lke a holy fire. Beware the sinners and unbelievers.

You should probably be glad I don't believe in god. I know I am.