Hey, you might only have the illusion of determinism. I was reading that there is a new interpretation of determinism that is called hyper-determinism.

In this theory, absolutely everything is determined in the universe, largely as a result of whatever created the universe ( big bang, hand of Dog, whatever). The argument, very simply, is that as if we consider the question "What if I had made choice X instead of choice Y?", we are really fooling ourselves, because, we could not have made choice X. Given the fact that we did choose choice Y, we know that only choice Y could have been made, and all other "choices" were illusions at best. Interstingly, asking yourself the question about choosing X over Y would have also been determined, partly by having been moved by forces much beyond any sense of control into "choosing" Y.

Even this node was determined, and so was your reading it. Chew on that for a while.