A car enthusiast website devoted particularly to the Nissan Maxima; from the 1981 Datsun 810 Maxima Edition to the newest 6th Generation Maxima MY 2004 and on. Features include technical articles, wheel and suspension galleries, product reviews and the crux of the site: the forums.
With over 75,000 members and nearly 5,000,000 posts it's a popular site that's a tremendous resource for any owner. While many threads center around performance and appearance modifications, the community has also taken up the challenge of keeping these aging, but still great, cars in proper repair. Even if you're not particularly bent on getting that new Y-Pipe or MEVI, this is an invaluable aid to help you diagnose problems and fix them yourself, or at least be more educated when you go to the grubby-fingered charlatans of the world.