user since
Thu Oct 7 1999 at 03:23:18 (24.9 years ago )
last seen
Fri Apr 28 2000 at 15:19:36 (24.4 years ago )
level / experience
1 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
to learn, teach, and laugh
computers, thoughts
wherever you go, there you are
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CWRU student and CS Major extrordinaire .. a.k.a. geek (I believe my proper classification is a 3rd Generation Geek)... emjoys linux and the www..

the name devzero comes from the imaginary file /dev/zero that&.exists only in the unix universe.. this file manages to be saying something and nothing all at once..

devzero is also interested in philosophy and other odd concepts such as cyberspace, xml and semantics

he also has a cool w.ebsite at

he enjoys weblogs, quality conversation, and caffeine in non-coffee forms (e.g. penguin mints, jolt, etc.)

fnord .