I am table for 6 . So, I lean against a wall and wait for the others because I am here early.

We will be going out to a movie later, but had agreed to eat here, a midrange Italian spot.

She is wearing standard issue-"hostess black"
-black slacks (flared)/white button down shirt with black jacket. Black shoes/silver buckles w/Clunky heels, adding about three inches to her appearance.

Her appearance is: bright blue contacts, light blue eye shadow and Pink/rose lip gloss that she moistens frequently with a nervous tongue. Silver/blue lacquered nails that she clicks on the podium as she looks around the lobby. Periodic glances at her silver, to match her earrings, watch.

She has sprayed her hair so stiff that her bangs bounce into and out of her eyes depending on her glance around the room. Often she will pull one or two strands out of place but, then she tosses her shoulders and it falls back- just so. She is so preset and so structured it must be a little painful.

I bet her hairspray is for maximum control.