- user since
- Tue Apr 23 2002 at 00:28:46 (22.9 years ago )
- last seen
- Fri Jan 13 2012 at 06:00:49 (13.2 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 5 - View deadlemming's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 1 (Novice) / 128
- most recent writeup
- Faceless power structure
- Send private message to deadlemming
User Bookmarks:
- "I was born this way" as justification for gay rights harms the gay and lesbian community (idea)
- 1600 SAT (thing)
- 666 (thing)
- A better life through lying
- A classic Zen tale
- A Conversation Regarding the Work of Michel Foucault
- A flip dark chill winter bastard though dry (idea)
- A Man Said to the Universe
- A Mathematician's Apology
- About some girl
- Act photography
- Active vs Passive Nihilism
- Adam Purcell
- After searching for my mother's name for twenty years, I realized I also did not know my father's
- After searching for my mother's name for twenty years, I realized I also did not know my father's (person)
- Agent Orange
- AIM Warning Battle
- Aleister Crowley
- Alex Grey
- algorithmic information theory
- Allegory of the Cave
- Alternate Eroticism: What if?
- Anarchism (idea)
- Antarctic sex (thing)
- antibubble (thing)
- AP Literature and Composition Test Preparation
- Archived E2 FAQ: How to cite your sources
- Are you okay? (idea)
- Argument by Design (idea)
- Around nine PM my heart was breaking so I went to bed early to listen to it happen. (thing)
- ars erotica and scientia sexualis
- Art is not reducible to text
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Asperger's syndrome
- Audiophile (idea)
- August 31, 2001 (idea)
- Baring Witness (idea)
- Bartleby the Scrivener
- Bell's Theorem
- Bertrand Russell
- Blah blah blah Supermodels blah blah blah
- Blaise Bailey Finnegan III
- Blanchot, Derrida, Deleuze: Confronting the Disaster (idea)
- Block Stacking Theory
- Bodhisattvacaryavatara
- Body pleasure and the origins of violence
- Books that will induce a mindfuck
- Bose-Einstein condensate
- Brain hemisphere influence on aesthetic preference
- breasts
- Breeders: your children do not make you superior
- bubble sort (idea)
- Bugs go to JayBonci
- Can real love survive over time (idea)
- Carnal Harvest
- Changing your sexuality
- child abuse (person)
- Choosing to be gay
- Classical Music Starter Guide
- Comfort women
- complex number
- Compute Fibonacci numbers FAST! (idea)
- Computer programming - The ultimate power trip (idea)
- Confucianism
- Confucius
- Copenhagen interpretation
- cosmological inflation
- Critique of Objectivism
- Crystal Meth and the retail market
- dangling by a string
- Danse Russe
- Daoism
- dark matter (idea)
- David Hume
- Death is the saddest thing in the world, because life is the most beautiful
- deconstruction (thing)
- Depressing but probably true rules of life (idea)
- depression
- depressive realism (thing)
- Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando
- Différance
- dildo
- Dimensionless Numbers
- Dissociative identity disorder
- Do fat men get fat dicks?
- Do not resuscitate (idea)
- Do you remember how small your body was when you were five? (person)
- Documenta, the Child-Bride, bares her legs for the Ravenous Wolves of the Grey Hour
- Don't be sexy. I said stop that.
- Don't kill your invisible husband to see what he looks like or you'll sob your heart out. But don't worry about the millions of invisible men coming to attack your village because they won't kill you if you don't know how to fight them.
- Don't kill yourself until you've completed the checklist (idea)
- Dummy a combination lock to make it easy to remember the combo (idea)
- Dying of cancer
- E-Prime
- e.e. cummings
- E2 guide to music you've never heard of
- E2 Prose Writers Group
- E2 Sperm Counter
- Eat poop you cat
- Eat well, shit strongly, and you shall have no fear of death!
- Ed Gein
- Edmund Husserl
- Effects of pornography
- eightfold path
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox
- Einstein: Why Socialism?
- electron bubbles
- Electron degeneracy pressure
- Elizabeth Bathory (person)
- empiricism
- Encyclopedia on a toothpick (idea)
- Eskimos do NOT have 40 words for snow
- Ethnic Stereotypes in Street Fighter 2
- Eulogy for The Great Man (idea)
- Everything I Ching
- Excluded Middle
- faleste (thing)
- False mathematical proofs (idea)
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- Fire (thing)
- For a boat of white bone, and we three
- for Foucault, Derrida, for Derrida, Foucault
- foundations of mathematics
- foundations of mathematics (idea)
- frankdeluxe
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- frottage (idea)
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
- Geek's guide to working out (idea)
- General Relativity
- general semantics
- Geogaddi
- Georg Hegel
- Getting to know you noders fucking sucked
- Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
- God overrules Supreme Court verdict
- Gödel's theorem (idea)
- Graham's Number
- Grameen Bank
- gray silk
- Greek studs: a Foucauldian sideways glance at Aristotle's package
- Gritchka's style guide
- Guides to Godel
- Halting problem
- Hawking Radiation
- Hegel's Theory of Dialectic
- Helping your kid brother die (person)
- Her perception of how gorgeous she is will be evident in her lack of movement during sex (idea)
- Hermetic (person)
- Homicide (thing)
- How do you make a life matter? (idea)
- How far can an animal fall and survive?
- How is the information in DNA modified by metabolism?
- How Long Copyright Protection Endures
- How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
- How many geeks does it take to factor a polynomial? (idea)
- How to buy a stereo system (without winning the lottery)
- How to buy drugs in an open-air market
- How to calculate the day of the week for a given date (idea)
- How to cry in public
- How to get a Goth out of a tree (idea)
- How to have an out of body experience (thing)
- How to install Linux on a dead badger (idea)
- How to kick ass at a job interview
- How to lie with statistics (idea)
- How to love someone who is mentally ill (person)
- How to make ASCII characters in HTML
- How to seem smarter than you really are (idea)
- how to square a number in your head
- how to survive an armed robbery (idea)
- How to talk like Jacques Derrida
- How to tell if a girl's interested in you (idea)
- How to tell whether a figure can be drawn in one stroke
- How to turn a crack house into a crack home
- Howl
- HOWTO: Build a lasting peace in the Middle East (idea)
- HOWTO: Build a lasting peace in the Middle East (idea)
- HTML symbol reference
- Human, All Too Human: Section 45
- Humans have six senses, why does everyone think we only have five?
- Humorous Writings of E2 (idea)
- I am a rape survivor (person)
- I am blind when I want to be (idea)
- I am forced to smoke my cat (idea)
- I am three, she said
- I don't kiss (idea)
- I drove my fish to suicide (thing)
- I eat every day with a ravenous appetite (fiction)
- I hate this fucking orange cat (idea)
- I often wonder if I am closer to reality simply for being poorer
- I once helped Jason Priestley's girlfriend find his dick
- I still find strands of her hair in bed (thing)
- I was a prisoner in a Mexican whorehouse
- I was expecting it to hurt like a fuck
- I'd already be a Buddhist if it weren't for all these damn spiders
- I'm embarrassed that I know this
- I'm gay, but I'm not sure it's genetic
- I've had better hugs from wind gusts and dead people
- I♥NY (idea)
- If you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you?
- Ik
- Immanuel Kant
- In the desert
- Infinity is not a number (idea)
- Instructions for kissing a stranger
- Instructions for kissing a stranger (idea)
- Interjaculate
- Inverse spectrum argument
- Ironic hipsters
- Is your teenager concerned about inequality and pollution? Call a drug counselor.
- It appears to be a sock castle of some kind
- Jacques Derrida
- Jacques Lacan
- je ne sais quoi (idea)
- Jeffrey Dahmer
- Jennifer
- Jet-Poop
- Josephus (person)
- Julia Set
- June 24, 2001 (idea)
- laissez-faire
- Leading causes of death among porn stars
- Lessons on life, love and things of utter importance (idea)
- libertarian
- Libertarianism sounds good on paper, but is it really?
- Light is a liquid (idea)
- Line integral
- Lolita
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Mandelbrot set
- March 9, 2001 (idea)
- Marijuana. It's more dangerous than we all thought. (idea)
- Marquis de Sade
- Martin Heidegger
- Math is not a social construct
- May '68 graffiti
- MC Hawking
- Meno's Paradox
- Messiah Complex Self-Test (idea)
- Metaphysics
- Michel Foucault
- Michel Foucault vs. Thomas Kuhn
- modernism
- Mu
- My body is a battlefield, and all my breasts ever do is argue about existentialism
- My Fascinatingly Detailed Teen Angst Bullshit Day Log - Part 1
- My meeting with a monk (person)
- My regret sits on the floor like someone else's polaroid photos
- nausea (idea)
- neural network
- neutrino oscillation (event)
- Noam Chomsky
- Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault
- NP
- Objectum-sexuality (idea)
- oblique strategies garden
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- October 4, 2000 (idea)
- Our friend friction (idea)
- P = NP
- Paint Me the End of an Era (idea)
- Panopticism
- Parents who force their children to eat when they're not hungry (idea)
- Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty
- Paul de Man
- Pauli Exclusion Principle
- Penises have higher bandwidth than cable modems
- Penrose Tiles (idea)
- People wouldn't fall in love so often if it were more clearly marked (idea)
- philosophers
- Physics envy (idea)
- pile of kittens
- Playing in the shower with a balloon
- Please tell me everything, this means you, I am hungry and also (person)
- postmodern
- postmodernism
- Presocratic Greek Philosophers
- Primality testing with Perl regexs
- Primality testing with Perl regexs (idea)
- Probably the saddest thing ever (idea)
- Project Monarch
- Prostitution
- public domain guidelines chart
- Queer theory
- Questions you never asked, but now that I mention it, yeah, that's a good point
- Quetzalcoatl (person)
- random number generator (thing)
- Reading the Holy Bible
- real death stories
- Real is not an absolute (idea)
- reductio ad absurdum
- reductionism (idea)
- René Descartes
- Repressive Hypothesis
- Richard Nixon's Social Security Number
- Roger Penrose (person)
- Roman sexuality
- Rules of Inference (idea)
- Russell's paradox
- Sartre's Existentialist Literature (idea)
- Satori
- Schopenhauer responds to Hegel, Mill, and Kierkegaard
- Science and the Undead: Frog Dissection at Highland Junior High
- sensei
- September 1, 2001 (idea)
- September 2, 2001 (idea)
- September 3, 2001 (idea)
- September 3, 2002 (person)
- September 6, 2001 (idea)
- serotonin and suicide
- Shaving your nuts without permanent injury and/or accidental castration (event)
- she does not know how much I need this (idea)
- She doesn't know what he sees, but sometimes it makes his face beautiful (idea)
- Similarities between cellular automata and the universe (idea)
- Simulacra and Simulation
- simulacrum disorder
- Sin City (place)
- Slavoj Zizek
- snail sex (idea)
- So you think you're Bruce Lee
- Socialism
- Socratic dialogue (idea)
- Soliciting homosexual intercourse in the stalls of public bathrooms
- solipsist (idea)
- Some people break so easily
- Some thoughts about the Language of Thought
- Sometimes the apathy she saw made her want to curl up and cry
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Sorites Paradox
- SOY! SOY! SOY! Soy makes you strong! Strength crushes enemies! SOY!
- Speech and Phenomena (place)
- Srinivasa Ramanujan
- Stand up for yourself, OR: How I got the shit kicked out of me (idea)
- standard deviation
- Stanford Prison experiment (thing)
- Stealing your best friend's girlfriend
- Stephen Wolfram vs. Charles Darwin on natural selection
- Stopping a dog fight (idea)
- Stretching your lungs (idea)
- Suicide
- Suicide (idea)
- Suicide is not amusing
- Super Mario Brothers: A Literary Criticism (idea)
- Tactical chess (idea)
- Tao
- Tao Te Ching
- Temporary Autonomous Zone
- Temporary: Monday
- Tense Movement (idea)
- Thanksgiving, suicide, and the breakdown of an already dysfunctional family (idea)
- The American obsession with egalitarianism
- The Antichrist
- The best time of day to node for maximum XP
- The Catcher in the Rye
- the contents of Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment
- The Diagnosis
- The Divine Comedy (thing)
- The Emperor's New Clothes
- The erotic nature of storms
- The First Noble Truth of Buddhism
- the first thought of Zarathustra
- The flaws in Descartes' logic
- The Fountainhead
- The Four Noble Truths
- The Gone, Growing in Number (idea)
- The guy who may as well already be dead and therefore doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is able to move with perfect freedom for the remainder of what will likely be a tragically short life
- The homosexual agenda
- The interrupted-at-breakfast theme in Pulp Fiction (idea)
- The Jean-Paul Sartre Cookbook
- The lamb of our discontent (place)
- The Myth of Sisyphus
- The Noble Eightfold Path
- The problem of logical fatalism
- The Raven (The Edgar Allan Porn version) (thing)
- The right way to take a bath
- The Second Noble Truth of Buddhism
- The Story of the Sun and the Moon (idea)
- The Tale of the Pink Shoelaces (idea)
- The Third Noble Truth of Buddhism
- The Three Men I Admired Most: Manhattan, 9/11/01
- The time I smashed a cat's skull with a brick (place)
- The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (idea)
- Their are three misteaks in this sentence (idea)
- There is no good depression. It's not sexy. It's not fun. It's not the new rock and roll.
- there's a spider in my keyboard (idea)
- This node does not make sense
- This place needs more actual content. Let's begin. (idea)
- This sentence is in Spanish while you're not looking
- Those who are the most intelligent are often the most likely to go insane
- Times when you MUST have a smoke (idea)
- total perspective vortex
- triple negative (idea)
- Twinkie Defense
- Uberfetus
- ultraproduct (thing)
- Universal Turing Machine (idea)
- Venice by night
- Visualizing large numbers
- Vladimir Nabokov
- Waking Life
- Wavepacket
- We knew there would be kissing, and breasts
- we make lights to answer the stars (idea)
- We only use 10% of our brain (idea)
- What guys do with their penis (idea)
- When Jet-Poop nuked guest user
- When we are young, the body is an unexamined ecstasy (person)
- Where are all the women with abysmal self-esteem? (idea)
- Which 3-manifold do we live in?
- Which 4-manifold do we live in?
- Why American women shave their legs
- Why are yawns contagious?
- Why faster than light implies back in time (idea)
- Why God doesn't ride photons (idea)
- Why I did what I did
- Why I ran away from home
- Why I sometimes think I must be insane
- Why men like women's breasts
- Why people attack BDSM
- Words of Advice for Young People (idea)
- Would you know if you were insane?
- wu-wei
- Xenohomonecropedapyrobestiality
- Yogic breathing
- You are precious to me. Did you know that? (idea)
- You are truly a goddess of disturbed tranquility (idea)
- you can only make me dizzy if you're spinning me in leaves or snowflakes (idea)
- You don't know what you have until it's gone (idea)
- You love these machines. These machines are dead: a love story.
- You sleep with someone for a couple of years, you get to know them by feel
- you, the marionette
- Zen
- Zen and the Art of Mega Man (idea)
- Zen power yell
- Zhuangzi