Well there is slightly more to it than this. The public key is the modulus n and a computationally favourable exponent e. The private key is d, the inverse of e mod (p-1)*(q-1) (and of course n). It is important to make n as nasty as possible. This is done by choosing p and q to be of similar size and for them both to be strong primes. There are a few views on this but if p-1 has a large prime factor (and the same for q-1) then a few attacks are thwarted. p and q can be discarded but in general they are stored with the private key (along with a few precalculated helper values) so that exponentiation by d can be performed efficiently.

e is usually 65537 for X509 certificates (https/SSL) and typically n is 1024 or 2048 bits.