Respect your child and his/her
privacy. Expect them to respect you and yours. Under no circumstance should a parent search a child's room without the expressed consent of the
child. Do not read their journals. Don't look under their bed. Don't read their emails. Don't check their computer's histories. Don't listen in on their conversations. Expect the same courtesy from them.
Raise a child to be an
adult, and then trust yourself to have done a good job, and
trust them to have paid attention.
Only praise them for good reasons, and look for as many reasons as possible to
praise them.
Teach them to find beauty, without telling them what beauty is to you.
Give them all the trust, respect, and freedom you can afford them, and only take these things away when they prove they cannot handle them. Chances are, given the
opportunity, they will prove they can handle all these things, and much more.