user since
Thu Jan 28 1999 at 18:47:39 (25.9 years ago )
last seen
Sun May 3 2009 at 22:37:36 (15.7 years ago )
number of write-ups
153 - View bis's writeups (feed)
level / experience
4 (Wordsmith) / 1368
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
to get igloo the attention it deserves
Power Ball, Wasting time, consuming caffeine, playing through Freecell, up to game 6000, so far.
It was Lucent, until they sold us, then CSG Systems, until THEY sold us, now Comverse.
if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet
most recent writeup
Wesley Willis
Send private message to bis

XEmacs. SML. Prolog. Bad Religion. Ladysmith Black Mambazo. EverQuest. Windows 2000. Power Ball. Random Node.

oh.. and no, I don't have any connection to the Scottish pop group "bis". Although while browsing through Borders one day a few years ago I did come across an album of theirs ("The New Transistor Heros") and was so floored by the fact that a band had the same name as my initials that I bought it. And then it turned out that they were doing a show in town the next week, so I went to that for the sheer novelty of it, despite thinking that the CD sucked. Well, they're much, MUCH better live than they are in the studio; pretty fun to see in person. And now that I have listened to the CD again a few times, its insipidness had grown on me, and I am proud to share my initials with these Scottish youngsters!

I really wish there were an option to see who set up softlinks. Not for revenge, just to know who is behind all of the artistry of some of the insulting softlinks. For instance, juxtaposed with the lacelike, poetic "I am not afraid of you any more", we have the brutally cruel "Who gives a rat's ass?" (although someone has apparently removed it now.) And linking "I am a woman who does not like assholes" to "liar"? Classic.. Whoever is doing it, know that such humour does not go unappreciated; I wish I had the same sense of almost zen-like balance that you bring to the world...

Things that I need to node:

other people who seem to have punched themselves into oblivion: golem, randofu

some people (I've forgotten what these lists mean, but they used to mean something.):

As of September 19, 2000:

Version: 3.12
GCS/E d- s+: a-- C++++ USL++ P++(-) L+(--) E+++ W++ N+ o K-- w++(-) O- M+ V
PS+++(---) PE Y+ PGP t+(---) 5+ X++ R* tv b+ DI+ D+ G(-) e++ h- r y-
as of November 1, 1998, it was:
Version: 3.1
GCS/E d- s+: a-- C++++ US++ P+ L+(--) E++ W++(--) N++ w+(--) M+ V--
PS+++(---) PE++ Y+ PGP t+ 5++ X+++ R++ !tv b+ DI+ D---- G-- e h* r

and, because my xp seems curiously low, here are the other statistics:

E2 USER INFO: last update Mon Jan  7 13:00:20 2002
nodes:  188         xp:     555         cools:     47
maxrep: 83          minrep: -4          totalrep:  1209
nodefu: 2.95       WNF:    9.93       coolratio: 25.00%

E2 USER INFO: last update Fri Sep 14 14:41:01 2001
nodes:  191         xp:     487         cools:     44
maxrep: 66          minrep: -2          totalrep:  1072     
nodefu: 2.55       WNF:    8.92       coolratio: 23.04%

Homenode pic (a REALLY ugly hack, I know - thank ASCII Pic):

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