ISO 8859-6, which does not have a Latin-X equivilent, is an ISO 8859 variant for use with Arabic languages.

ISO 8859-5 <-- ISO 8859-6 --> ISO 8859-7

As with all of the ISO 8859 Character Sets, the first 160 characters (the 128 7-bit characters plus the first 32 control characters with the high bit set) are identical to ISO 8859-1 or Latin-1. Thus, I will only list the 80 characters different from ISO 8859-1.

The columns below should be interpreted as :

  1. The ISO 8859-6 code in Octal
  2. The ISO 8859-6 code in Decimal
  3. The ISO 8859-6 code in Hexidecimal
  4. The Unicode code for the character
  5. The character in question
  6. The Unicode name for the character

0241  161  0xa1 unassigned
0242  162  0xa2 unassigned
0243  163  0xa3 unassigned
0245  165  0xa5 unassigned
0246  166  0xa6 unassigned
0247  167  0xa7 unassigned
0250  168  0xa8 unassigned
0251  169  0xa9 unassigned
0252  170  0xaa unassigned
0253  171  0xab unassigned
0254  172  0xac U+060C  ،  Arabic comma
0256  174  0xae unassigned
0257  175  0xaf unassigned
0260  176  0xb0 unassigned
0261  177  0xb1 unassigned
0262  178  0xb2 unassigned
0263  179  0xb3 unassigned
0264  180  0xb4 unassigned
0265  181  0xb5 unassigned
0266  182  0xb6 unassigned
0267  183  0xb7 unassigned
0270  184  0xb8 unassigned
0271  185  0xb9 unassigned
0272  186  0xba unassigned
0273  187  0xbb U+061B  ؛  Arabic semicolon
0274  188  0xbc unassigned
0275  189  0xbd unassigned
0276  190  0xbe unassigned
0277  191  0xbf U+061F  ؟  Arabic question mark
0300  192  0xc0 unassigned
0301  193  0xc1 U+0621  ء  Arabic letter hamza
0302  194  0xc2 U+0622  آ  Arabic letter alef with madda above
0303  195  0xc3 U+0623  أ  Arabic letter alef with hamza above
0304  196  0xc4 U+0624  ؤ  Arabic letter waw with hamza above
0305  197  0xc5 U+0625  إ  Arabic letter alef with hamza below
0306  198  0xc6 U+0626  ئ  Arabic letter yeh with hamza above
0307  199  0xc7 U+0627  ا  Arabic letter alef
0310  200  0xc8 U+0628  ب  Arabic letter beh
0311  201  0xc9 U+0629  ة  Arabic letter teh marbuta
0312  202  0xca U+062A  ت  Arabic letter teh
0313  203  0xcb U+062B  ث  Arabic letter theh
0314  204  0xcc U+062C  ج  Arabic letter jeem
0315  205  0xcd U+062D  ح  Arabic letter hah
0316  206  0xce U+062E  خ  Arabic letter khah
0317  207  0xcf U+062F  د  Arabic letter dal
0320  208  0xd0 U+0630  ذ  Arabic letter thal
0321  209  0xd1 U+0631  ر  Arabic letter reh
0322  210  0xd2 U+0632  ز  Arabic letter zain
0323  211  0xd3 U+0633  س  Arabic letter seen
0324  212  0xd4 U+0634  ش  Arabic letter sheen
0325  213  0xd5 U+0635  ص  Arabic letter sad
0326  214  0xd6 U+0636  ض  Arabic letter dad
0327  215  0xd7 U+0637  ط  Arabic letter tah
0330  216  0xd8 U+0638  ظ  Arabic letter zah
0331  217  0xd9 U+0639  ع  Arabic letter ain
0332  218  0xda U+063A  غ  Arabic letter ghain
0333  219  0xdb unassigned
0334  220  0xdc unassigned
0335  221  0xdd unassigned
0336  222  0xde unassigned
0337  223  0xdf unassigned
0340  224  0xe0 U+0640  ـ  Arabic tatweel
0341  225  0xe1 U+0641  ف  Arabic letter feh
0342  226  0xe2 U+0642  ق  Arabic letter qaf
0343  227  0xe3 U+0643  ك  Arabic letter kaf
0344  228  0xe4 U+0644  ل  Arabic letter lam
0345  229  0xe5 U+0645  م  Arabic letter meem
0346  230  0xe6 U+0646  ن  Arabic letter noon
0347  231  0xe7 U+0647  ه  Arabic letter heh
0350  232  0xe8 U+0648  و  Arabic letter waw
0351  233  0xe9 U+0649  ى  Arabic letter alef maksura
0352  234  0xea U+064A  ي  Arabic letter yeh
0353  235  0xeb U+064B  ً  Arabic fathatan
0354  236  0xec U+064C  ٌ  Arabic dammatan
0355  237  0xed U+064D  ٍ  Arabic kasratan
0356  238  0xee U+064E  َ  Arabic fatha
0357  239  0xef U+064F  ُ  Arabic damma
0360  240  0xf0 U+0650  ِ  Arabic kasra
0361  241  0xf1 U+0651  ّ  Arabic shadda
0362  242  0xf2 U+0652  ْ  Arabic sukun