I am determined like no other to actually truly quit this time, for good, forever. I've done stints before of a week or two weeks, a few times I've made it a month, but I always end up coming back to smoking.

I have no cravings all for a cigarette right now, but I know the hard times are yet to come.

I bought Nicorette gum, and an E-Cig with a number of interesting flavored juices to go with it. I'm in this for the long haul this time.

The problems with my ancient car never seem to end. Before I went on vacation last week, my car decided it was going to ignore my wishes in regards to where it blew air. Regardless of what the selector switch was set to, all the air was coming out of the defrost vents.

After some research, I found it had to be a vacuum line issue. If you've worked on cars before, you know those can be a bear to track down. You can have a crack or a hole in a line where it's almost impossible to see. On top of this, if the leak wasn't under the hood, I knew I might have to disassemble the entire dash to find the problem.

I went out early this morning to work on it, dreading what I'd find and how long I'd be out there sweating while I tried to find it.

Amazingly, I found the issue right away. It was a broken connection under the hood, right up by the top where it was easy to get to. A quick trip to the parts store and $4 later everything was working properly again.

It's almost never that easy...

Last year, my mother was diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer. As of September 9th, she is officially done with dealing with it!! She had a double mastectomy, went through about six months of chemotherapy, and had her final reconstruction done. That final one was on August 11th. Today, she came back to work, and is doing incredibly well!! She's missed work, and was going stir crazy being trapped in the house all day for two weeks straight.

My plans for my week include playing a new Demon Hunter on Wednesday, and if I don't wanna get out of bed, there's Wind Waker HD, Mario Galaxy, and Mario Galaxy 2.

One of my biggest hobbies is board gaming. My family has played games with me for just about as long as I can remember. I played all the classics: Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly, Sorry!. My aunt is a Bridge fanatic, and while I don't play Bridge myself, I was introduced to card games like Hearts and Rook at a pretty young age. My aunt had a "trial by fire" mentality, so I also developed a pretty competitive edge at a young age.

I was introduced to "modern" board games when I received Carcassonne as a Christmas present, and that became a family favorite. That game became a staple at our family gatherings thereafter. I acquired arguably the most famous modern board game, Catan, pretty soon after that, and my obsession snowballed from there. I can now boast a pretty substantial collection, with games like Eldritch Horror, 7 Wonders, Dominion, and my personal favorite right now, Mage Knight.