Welcome to Word Enchilada S01E07

We write prototypes, fight our inner demons, get cargo ships unstuck at the Suez Canal, arrive late to posting our own quests, insert emoji 🍅 into e2, burn out of the internet, bake bread, celebrate 20 years of the Spanish Wikipedia, eat enchiladas and get in fights


A microquest for Everything2 in the spirit of Game Jams


The updated rules are in Word Enchilada Rules, but here’s the TL;DR

  1. Just before the Quest starts, a theme will be revealed. Please don’t spoil it for yourself, only read it after the official start of the Enchilada1;
  2. You have 48 hours to write a prototype2 that follows3 the theme;
  3. You post the prototype in this node;
  4. ???
  5. Profit! You will receive fabulous prizes4

After the Quest is over, you’re encouraged to give the noder below you some feedback on their prototype. Bear in mind: the goal of Word Enchiladas is to write for fun and outside of one’s comfort zone, so be constructive and be kind.


The theme for this Enchilada is:


E2 Rot13 Encoder

The suggested nodetype is:


Start and end times

The Word Enchilada starts at May 21, 2021 12:00 PM and ends at May 23, 2021 12:00 PM in whatever time zone you observe.

Notes for today: -

  1. The idea being that you shouldn’t prepare anything beforehand, and that you should only have 48 hours to work on your writeup. But I’m just a footnote, not a policeman. ↩

  2. The word “Prototype” is important here: you’re expected to write a quick draft, not a perfect, well edited writeup. ↩

  3. The phrase “Following the theme” is purposefully ambiguous. Be creative :) ↩

  4. Actually, some GP, depending on how much the E2 gods can spare… Updated details on the Word Enchilada Rules ↩