user since
Wed Jul 15 1998 at 20:22:59 (26 years ago )
last seen
Fri May 14 2004 at 23:16:43 (20.2 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 4
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AirVent hangs out on IRC a lot, the efnet #linuxos usually. He is 18 and is doing everything in his power to help reach our common goal, take over the world. Last summer works for the Missouri Department of Insurance doing. web programming (mostly perl). He liked his job but he had to quit when school started. When he graduates he will most likly attend Missouri University (MU) in Columbia, MO and major in computer science or a related field. In his free time he. is trying to make a mp3 mobile. If he is not messing with something computer related, then its usually girl related..