ADS-AC is an experimental open source program which implements Absolutely Dynamic System (ADS), a proposed mechanism for artificial consciousness (AC). Website: .

This article is not about a claim, but about a software that does things in a certain way. Whether it's the right way can be decided by the user. The software is rather old, first written in 1992 (in C and Windows under the GPL license), yet it is unique and important, also with almost 140 000 visits of the project's web site.


ADS-AC uses a system of "points" or "nodes" connected by "links" to create a structure of "knots". The nodes have no properties other than their links to other nodes in order to maintain their absolute dynamicity.


* ADS-AC SourceForge project page .

* Latest Internet Archive capture of AI Forums with a lot of information and discussion about ADS-AC and related issues .

* Baars, Bernhard, A Cognitive Theory of Consciousness (Cambridge University Press, 1988-1998).

* Daniel Dennett's multiple drafts model .

* McCarthy, John, Generality in Artificial Intelligence (Stanford University, 1971-1987).