Originally posted by BugDozer:

"Our front teeth are sharp and pointy, for biting and tearing flesh."

Sorry, but our canine teeth are not sharp. Carnivore's and omnivore's canine teeth are long, sharp, and curved -- they are also spaced out from the other teeth so fibrous strips of flesh don't get caught between them. Herbivore's canine teeth are dull and usually short, but long in some animals such as the hippopotamus for defense. So, how are human canines shaped? They are short and blunted, just like most herbivore's -- they are also right next to the other teeth, not spaced out as in carnivores and omnivores. They are perfect for peeling things such as fruits and vegetables, but not for shredding meat.

Although humans are able to eat meat, when compared to carnivorous, omnivorous, and herbivorous animals, we most closely resemble the herbivorous ones. We are capable of living solely on a plant-based diet and getting all of the nutrients and vitamins we need.

Originally posted by mblase:

"One has to draw the line between killable and non-killable life forms somewhere; why should it be any less ethical to draw it just below human beings than just above plants?"

I have heard this argument by a lot of people who think vegetarians or vegans are making a contradiction in their lifestyle. Why not stop eating plants also, they are also living things? Well, you're missing the big point. There is no evidence that plants can feel pain, so in turn, they cannot suffer. On the other hand, animals do feel pain, therefore they can suffer.

Most people eliminate meat, or all animal products from their diet, because they don't want to contribute to any suffering. It has nothing to do with "killable and non-killable life forms", as you put it.

Originally posted by Rook:

"On a different and more compelling front, humans need lysine, a critical amino acid, in order to properly manufacture proteins in our bodies. We can't make lysine on our own--we have to get it from our diet. Guess what? You get it from eating animal flesh. (Cholesterol--another byproduct of eating animals--is also essential to brain growth in infants and young children.) Of course, today's vegetarians and vegans can get such things from basic vitamin supplements, and more power to them."

Yes, humans do need lysine. Guess what? You can get it from plant sources also, not just animal flesh.

100% of the cholesterol humans need is produced in their own liver. Any cholesterol that you intake from your diet is excess (not that that's bad in limited amounts.) How many people do you know have served their infants steak because they were worried about them not getting enough cholesterol?