Over this summer I've been taking a French at the Boston Language Institute, in order so that I can skip a year of it in High School and not fall behind. Anyway, it's entirely different then French in High School.

For one thing, there aren't any tests. There are about 7 of us in the group, so the French teacher (who is native Française, and almost relies on us to speak French to her because she speaks very poor English) can slow down for those of us who need it (mainly myself), but the group moves rather fast anyway. It also gives her a chance to kind of know us all personally.

Maybe she learned more then she may have wanted to know today. The French teacher asked this one guy in our group, Mike, a personal question inocently enough "Est-ce que vous aimez une fille?" (for the French illiterate, that is "Do you like a girl?")

At this point he kind of turned bright red, and said "J'aim un garçon." ("I'm in love with a boy.")

And the French teacher looked at him, kind of confusedly, had him repeat it two or three times before she kind of stared blankly and finally moved on to the next person "Thomas, est-ce que tu est marrie?" ("Thomas... are you married?")


"C'est bonne." ("That's good.")

All this was followed by a bought of silence, then cackles of laughter from the entire class. Fortunately, I think everyone in the class had the right attitude about the situation; and it's good to know that people in Boston have an air of understanding about themselves about Homosexuality. Mike seemed like a nice enough guy... lent me a quarter which I wasted in the coke machine as it ate my change : P. Anyhow... I'm just happy that French class is different; High School French is really, very boring, by comparison.