A song by artist Kompressor. Compared to most of his other songs, smooth and easy to listen to. The description on his page is "Court case against kompressor. KOMPRESSOR USE MUSIC MIGHT TO DESTROY ALL LAW."

Worst American copyright ideas.
Making bootleg clothing.
T-shirts with stolen ideas.
Ideas used for Kompressor might.

Court order, desist and cease.
Kompressor attack and release.
Court order, desist and cease.
Kompressor attack and release, attack and release.

Americans fear Kompressor.
Walking up street with suit and briefcase.
With telephone by head.
Driving on wrong side of road!

Desist and cease.
Kompressor attack and release.
Court order, desist and cease.
Kompressor attack and release, attack and release.

You think we are no danger.
You do not know our power.
Kompressor take over America.
Starting with midwest region.

Desist and cease.
Kompressor attack and release.
Court order, desist and cease.
Kompressor attack and release, attack and release!
Attack and release!
Kompressor attack and release.
Desist and cease!
Attack and release!
Attack and release!
Kompressor attack and release!

--Kompressor in Action
As noted on the Kompressor in Action node, permission was acquired to post these lyrics, and they are in the public domain.