
PUBLIC SERVICE: Oregonian. Examination of systematic problems within the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, including harsh treatment of foreign nationals and other widespread abuses.

BREAKING NEWS REPORTING: Miami Herald Staff. coverage of raid by federal agents that took Elián Gonzalez from his relatives and reunited him with his father.

INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING: David Willman of Los Angeles Times. Exposé of seven unsafe prescription drugs that had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

EXPLANATORY REPORTING: Chicago Tribune Staff. Profile of the American air traffic system.

BEAT REPORTING: David Cay Johnston of New York Times. Reporting that exposed loopholes and inequities in the U.S. tax code, which was instrumental in bringing about reforms.

NATIONAL REPORTING: New York Times Staff. Series exploring racial experiences and attitudes across contemporary America.

INTERNATIONAL REPORTING: Ian Johnson of Wall Street Journal. Stories about victims of the Chinese government's suppression of the Falun Gong movement and the implications of that campaign for the future.

INTERNATIONAL REPORTING: Paul Salopek of Chicago Tribune. Reporting on the political strife and disease epidemics ravaging Africa.

FEATURE WRITING: Tom Hallman, Jr. of Oregonian. Profile of a disfigured 14-year old boy who elects to have life-threatening surgery in an effort to improve his appearance.

COMMENTARY: Dorothy Rabinowitz of Wall Street Journal Articles on American society and culture.

CRITICISM: Gail Caldwell of Boston Globe. Observations on contemporary life and literature.

EDITORIAL WRITING: David Moats of Rutland Herald. Editorials commenting on the divisive issues arising from civil unions for same-sex couples.

EDITORIAL CARTOONING: Ann Telnaes of Los Angeles Times Syndicate

BREAKING NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY: Alan Diaz of Associated Press. Photograph of U.S. federal agents seizing the Elián Gonzalez from his relatives' Miami home.

FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY: Matt Rainey of Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ. Photographs that illustrate the care and recovery of two students critically burned in a dormitory fire at Seton Hall University.


FICTION: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon

DRAMA: Proof by David Auburn

HISTORY: Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis

BIOGRAPHY OR AUTOBIOGRAPHY: W.E.B. Du Bois: The Fight for Equality and the American Century, 1919-1963 by David Levering Lewis

POETRY: Different Hours by Stephen Dunn

GENERAL NON-FICTION: Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan by Herbert P. Bix

MUSIC: Symphony No. 2 for String Orchestra by John Corigliano