According to Genesis 6:4, the Nephilim or Giants are the offspring of the 'Sons of God' (angels) and mortal women. Rabbinic wisdom has it that the Flood was sent to kill the Nephilim, whilst their angelic progenitors were cast into the chasm of Dudael (according to Ethiopic Enoch). There's no reference to the Flood being directed at Seraphim in general, who include many loyal angels and demons. The Nephilim and their fathers may be identified with the followers of the tattered flag in Dante's Inferno, canto 3, in the Vestibule of Hell.

2501 needs to tighten the definition of Apocrypha, by the way. The books of Enoch are apocryphal (and pseudonymous), but are not considered canonical by Protestant, Reformed, Catholic or Orthodox Christians, or by any major group of Muslims or Jews.