Live from Death Row was written by Mumia Abu-Jamal and originally published in 1995. It is a collection of essays written from 1989 to 1994, most of them dealing with prison life and the American judicial system in general. Some talk about new laws being passed, others dissect Supreme Court cases, yet others discuss the drug problem and other hazards to young African-Americans. Mumia's writings themselves mention his own case very seldom, but the paperback version I have also contains an introduction by John Edgar Wideman and an account of Mumia's trial written by his attorney, Leonard I. Weinglass.

The book is quite interesting, pointing out things that I (young, white, not even American) would never have thought about otherwise. Some of the things are shocking, others just thought-provoking. Mumia's writing style is very clear and grabs your attention. It's raw and clear-cut, he just says what he means straight out. Whatever your stance is on Mumia's guilt/innocence or the death penalty I recommend you read this book, it will give you insight into what really goes on on death row.