user since
Thu Aug 5 1999 at 14:07:39 (25 years ago )
last seen
Mon Mar 13 2000 at 13:09:20 (24.4 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 9
mission drive within everything
The spread the false word of the Yarists
Digitaly Mucking about around the unknown Universe
Yar Inc.
"I know where I live"
most recent writeup
texts (thing)
Send private message to SydBarrett

One of the founders of Yarism, along with Robert Crouse, which started during their high school years (1988-1992). A writer of arcane texts, musician, programmer, lover, addict of various drugs and artist. His real name is Kenneth&.Gorski, but uses the nick of the ex-Pink Floyd member Syd Barrett for various reasons, none of which appear to make any sense...