Lyrics by Vera Matson
Music by Lionel Newman

Daniel Boone was a man,
Yes, a big man!
With an eye like an eagle
And as tall as a mountain was he!
Daniel Boone was a man,
Yes, a big man!
He was brave, he was fearless
And as tough as a mighty oak tree!

From the coonskin cap on the top of ol'Dan
To the heel of his rawhide shoe
The rippin'est, roarin'est, fightin'est man
The frontier ever knew!

Daniel Boone was a man,
Yes, a big man!
And he fought for America
To make all Americans free!

What a Boone, what a doer,
What a dream com'er tru'er was he!

... and now the french candian version ...

Daniel Boone, Daniel Boone                 
Fantastique est le récit                      Fantastic is the telling
D'la légende et d'l'histoire de Daniel Boone  Of the legend and story of Daniel Boone

Le couteau à la main,                         Knife in hand
Il fait son chemin                            He makes his way
En explorant l'Amérique                       Exploring America
Il n'a peur de rien                           He fears nothing
Car il connaît bien                           For he knows well
Les ruses des Indiens                         The indian's tricks

Daniel Boone, c'est son nom                   Daniel Boone he is called
On le chante                                  We sing of him
Et l'histoire est remplie des exploits        History is filled with the feats
De ce coureur des bois                        Of  that ranger
Jamais plus on ne vivra l'épopée              Never will we see again the era
D'un bonhomme comme lui                       Of a fellow like him