Lands' End (with the apostrophe after the s) is also an American mail-order ("Direct Merchant," they call it) clothing and home merchandise company founded by Gary Comer with Dick Steams, Eddy Goelz, Bruce Goldsmith, and Buck Halperin in 1963 in Chicago. The intended name of the company was "Land's End" (appropriate as they distributed merchandise for sailing -- sailboat fittings, but also rainsuits, duffle bags, and sweaters) but there was a typo on their first printed material which they couldn't afford to reprint correctly. Hence, a name that their own web site admits has annoyed English teachers.

The company prospered, moving into other fabric merchandise and when there was enough money, moved to Dodgeville in rural Wisconsin, and has stayed there. They don't have what their business principles list calls "fancy emporiums" -- just outlet stores for their overstock and seconds, paper catalogs (at least seven specific ones) and a web site. Their return policy is that they'll accept anything back, no justification needed, for either money back or replacement of the item.

My experience with them is that their clothes are high-quality, and I've never needed to call up the customer service they tout in their catalog and on their site. It's generally plain good clothing.

Source: my own opinion and