Wireplay is an online gaming service (for PC users) originally created in 1997 by British Telecom (BT) for customers with BT phone lines to access via dial-up modem. Wireplay was later dropped by BT and subsequently bought by the Gameplay company, with whom Wireplay still operates today.

Wireplay came, and still comes, with its own dial-up software providing the user with a dedicated environment from which to chat to other gamers, search for servers and launch their desired game, much like other online gaming software such as Gamespy and Barrysworld. The service operated on a 'pay as you play' system with one price for daytime access and another, cheaper, price from evenings and weekends, and no subscription charge. The access charges were later dropped, and the service is now free.

The first game to be supported on Wireplay was a football game based on the Euro '96 tournament. The service evolved to offer first person shooter games such as Duke Nukem 3D and later Quake/Quake II, as well as real time strategy games such as Command & Conquer and Age of Empires. One of the main attractions of Wireplay is the tournaments and ladders systems where players are ranked against each other. A vibrant Quake 2 community grew up around the Wireplay service, supported by players moving on from Duke3D and the original Quake, forming many unique clans. Wireplay began hosting its own Quake 2 deathmatch/CTF/2v2 leagues which kept the servers in constant use.

Today Wireplay supports over 30 different games across many genres, IRC chatrooms and forums, as well as their own broadband internet connection services.

Official Website: http://www.wireplay.com